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Time Managemet

Time Management

February 28, 20231 min read

Do you want to start a business but don't have enough time?

Do you have an endless to-do list and don't feel like you ever get to the important things you want to do?

Tips on Time Management

5 Time Management Tips Just for Nurses 👊

As nurses, we are masters of time management when it comes to giving our patient's the care that they need.

But when it comes to our days off, or pursuing a dream like having your own business, one of the biggest challenges most people tell me is... " I don't have enough time.. "

The truth is, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so that means it all comes down to what we do with those hours.

If you are struggling with finding time, here are 5 tips to help you:

1. Delete

  •  Delete things off your to do list that don't really matter

2. Delay

  • Delay projects that you want to do but are not a high priority for you now

3. Delegate

  • Delegate tasks to others so that don't really need your personal touch to complete; and especially if someone else can do the task better, faster or cheaper than you.

4. Decide

  • Decide when you will do the task and schedule it on your calendar. Commit to get it done.

5. Automate

  • Automate as many tasks on your to-do list as possible. This will save you time doing the task and remembering to do the task.

Try one (or more) of these tips and you'll be amazed how much time you will have to work on the things your really love!

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