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The Nurse's Guide to Launching a Profitable Course

The Nurse's Guide to Launching a Profitable Course

June 16, 20248 min read

As nurses we work long shifts, are constantly juggling patient needs, new admits, last minute discharges, staffing crises and so much more. Sometimes you feel like you are barely keeping your head above water. 

I'm Kathi Randall, and I've been right where you are now – loving the work I did as a bedside nurse but also dreaming of something more. 

And guess what? 

I turned my nursing skills and my various passions outside of nurses and created a thriving online business over the last twenty years. It didn’t happen overnight, it happened one day at a time, and I started while I was still working at the bedside. 

And if I can do it, so can you.

Why Nurses Make Awesome Course Creators (Yes, YOU!)

Think about it: you're an expert at explaining complex stuff in simple terms. You're patient, compassionate, and you know how to make people feel heard.

These talents are GOLD when it comes to teaching online. And trust me, the world is hungry for your knowledge.

But...Those Pesky Doubts (We All Have Them)

Now, I know what you're thinking:

  • "Who am I to teach? I'm just a bedside nurse."

  • "Who would listen to me? There's nothing special about what I know."

  • "I'm not tech-savvy. I don't know where to start."

I've had those thoughts on repeat. But here's the truth:

You've got the knowledge, the passion, and the drive. All you need is the right roadmap – and that's exactly what this guide is for.

Your Step-by-Step Course Launch Plan (No Tech Wizardry Required)

Find Your Superpower (Nursing or Not!):  

Let's talk about what makes you, YOU. It's time to uncover that special spark – that thing that makes you come alive.

Sure, it could be your nursing expertise. Maybe you're a whiz at wound care, a diabetes guru, or a new mom whisperer. That's awesome! And there's definitely a hungry audience for that knowledge.

But here's the secret: Your course doesn't have to be strictly nursing-related.

Think about it...

  • Do you have a passion project outside of work? Maybe you're a master gardener, a DIY queen, or a budding photographer.

  • Do you have a hobby that you could teach others? Knitting, baking, dog training – the possibilities are endless.

  • Is there a life skill you've mastered that others could benefit from? Budgeting, time management, decluttering – those are valuable too!

The key is to find something that sets your soul on fire. That's the magic ingredient that will make your course irresistible.


Why Your Unique Spark Matters

When you're passionate about what you're teaching, it shines through in every lesson, every video, every interaction with your students.

And here's the thing: people are drawn to authenticity. They want to learn from someone who's genuinely excited about their topic, not someone who's just going through the motions.

Plus, teaching something you love is just plain fun! It's like getting paid to share your favorite hobby with a bunch of eager friends.

Ready to Discover Your Superpower?

Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What do you find yourself talking about non-stop?

  • What do you spend your free time reading about or researching?

  • What skills or knowledge do people always ask you for help with?

  • What would you teach even if you weren't getting paid?

Take some time to reflect on these questions. Journal about it, brainstorm with a friend, or create a mind map.

Once you've identified your superpower, it's time to start thinking about how you can turn it into a course that will help others and bring you joy (and maybe even some extra income!).

Who Do You Want to Take Care of? - Getting to Know Your Student Avatar

I would guess that just like in nursing, you have a favorite “population” or type of patient that you love taking care of. When you think of this group, what are their biggest dreams, fears, struggles, and desires? Tapping in to the mind of your ideal student will help you create the best course for them.

 This might sound a little woo-woo, but trust me, it's the secret sauce to creating a course that people can't resist.

Knowing your ideal student is like having a secret weapon. It allows you to:

  • Speak their language: You'll understand the words they use, the challenges they face, and the questions they're asking. This means you can create content that speaks directly to their hearts and minds.

  • Solve their problems: You'll be able to tailor your course to their specific needs and pain points, offering solutions that actually make a difference in their lives.

  • Build a loyal following: When people feel seen and understood, they're more likely to become raving fans of your work. They'll tell their friends, leave glowing reviews, and come back for more.

Build Your Course Like a Pro (Without the Stress):

Now, let's be real here. I've been down the rabbit hole of course platforms from LearnDash to SkillShare then Kajabi and Thinkific. I spent years jumping from one tool to another, wasting money on subscriptions I never used, and trying to piece together a system that worked. It was exhausting!

THE TOP 10 ONLINE TOOLS you need to succeed

That's why I'm so passionate about RN Biz Hub

It's the all-in-one platform I WISH I had when I was starting out. 

RN Biz Hub is your one-stop shop for everything you need to run your business – from hosting your website and blog to managing your email list and social media. No more juggling multiple subscriptions and tools. 

RN Biz Hub streamlines your business so you can focus on what you do best – helping others. This platform is so intuitive that even if you barely know your way around a computer, you'll create courses like a pro in no time.

Beyond the Launch – Building Your Nurse Boss Empire

Buckle up, because the fun is just getting started!

You'll get to know your students, answer their questions, and see them achieve amazing things.

Plus, you can keep adding new courses, create a membership program, or even host an online summit.

The Possibilities of Your Influence as a Nurse Are Endless (Seriously!):

  • Write a book: Share your expertise and reach a wider audience.

  • Speak at conferences: Become a thought leader in your niche.

  • Create a podcast: Connect with your audience on a deeper level.

  • Partner with brands: Collaborate on products or services that align with your values.

  • And so much more!

The beauty of this journey is that it's all up to YOU

You get to choose your own adventure, create a business that fits your lifestyle, and make a real impact on the world. So, launch day is just the beginning.  It's the start of an exciting new chapter in your life as a nurse entrepreneur.

You've Got This! (And I'm Here to Prove It)

Listen, I know it seems like a big leap. Stepping out of your comfort zone and into the world of online business can be scary.

But trust me (because I’ve been there), creating an online course is one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do.

Imagine waking up each day excited to share your knowledge, passion, and expertise with a community of eager learners. Imagine the feeling of empowerment as you build a business that's 100% yours, on your terms. Imagine the financial freedom and flexibility to live life on your own schedule.

You deserve that, and more!

You're not just a nurse, you're a healer, a teacher, a leader. You have a unique perspective and valuable knowledge to share with the world.

And I'm here to help you make it happen.

Introducing the Nurse's Course Creation "Care Plan"

I've created a step-by-step system to guide you through every stage of your course creation journey. It's like having a personal mentor who understands the unique challenges and opportunities you face as a nurse entrepreneur.

Nurses Course Creation Care Plan

Inside the Nurse's Course Creation "Care Plan," you'll get:

  • Proven strategies: I'll share the exact steps I took to build a thriving online business, so you can avoid the mistakes I made and fast-track your success.

  • Nurse-specific guidance: I'll show you how to leverage your nursing skills and experience to create a course that resonates with your audience.

  • Tech support (without the jargon!): I'll break down the tech stuff in simple terms, so you can build your course with confidence, even if you're not a tech whiz.

  • Community and support: You'll join a vibrant community of fellow nurse entrepreneurs who are cheering you on and ready to offer support and encouragement.

Your Dream of a Profitable Course Starts Now!

If you're ready to make a bigger impact and build a business that fits your life, I invite you to enroll in the Nurse's Course Creation "Care Plan."

Click here to learn more and take the first step towards your new life as a nurse entrepreneur!

Remember, you're capable of amazing things.

You've got the passion, the skills, and the drive. All you need is the right guidance and support. I'm here for you every step of the way!

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