RNBiz Hub

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I Already Have a Topic for My Online Course, What’s Next?

I Already Have a Topic for My Online Course, What’s Next?

August 01, 20245 min read

Congratulations on choosing a topic for your online course! That's a huge first step. But what comes next?

It’s time to transform your idea into a structured, engaging, and marketable course!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you on your journey, with a spotlight on how RN Biz Hub can make this process seamless and efficient, tailored specifically for nurses.

1. Validate Your Course Idea

Before diving into course creation, validate your topic to ensure there's a demand for it. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Conduct surveys or polls among your current clients, local community or online following

  • Analyze existing courses that tackle similar topics.

  • Engage in online forums and communities, social media groups, or professional networks to gauge interest in your topic.

2. Outline Your Course Content

Create a detailed outline of your course. Break down your topic into modules and lessons. This outline will serve as a roadmap for your content creation process.

  • Tip: Start with the end in mind. Define the learning objectives (just as if you were creating a lecture for CEUs) and what your potential students will achieve by the end of the course.  

3. Develop Engaging Course Material

Your course material can include videos, slide presentations, quizzes, assignments, and downloadable resources. Aim to create a variety of content to keep learners engaged.

  • Tip: Use real-world stories and case studies to make your content relatable and practical.

4. Choose the Right Platform

Selecting the right platform to host your course is crucial. This is where RN Biz Hub comes in.

Why Use RN Biz Hub?

RN Biz Hub

RN Biz Hub is an all-in-one marketing and course creation platform that simplifies the process of launching and managing your online course. 

Before using RN Biz Hub, I felt like I was duct-taping together my business.  I had at least 10 subscriptions and was paying hundreds of dollars a month for tools that I didn’t really need or use, but I was afraid to cancel them.

I personally love tech, so I would get sucked in to the next great tech tool that I saw on YouTube or that my friends would mention.   I would spend hours and hours consuming video tutorials, training my team, and then I would abandon this new shiny object but often times forget to cancel the subscription or would pay for annual plans that I never used again. 

When people tell me that they feel scattered, confused, and discouraged by all the tech, I totally get it and remember all too well what that felt like. 

Now, I use RN Biz Hub for all my businesses and I have been able to eliminate and consolidate and automate so many pieces of my business… and I have been saving money too!

~ Nurse Kathi

Here’s how RN Biz Hub can help you as a nurse entrepreneur, nurse coach, or course creator:

Easy Course Setup

RN Biz Hub l provides user-friendly tools to set up your course quickly. You can create and organize modules and lessons effortlessly, perfect for busy nurses.

Integrated Marketing Tools

Marketing your course is essential for attracting students. RN Biz Hub offers integrated email marketing, SMS campaigns, and social media management to help you promote your course effectively.

Before RN Biz Hub, I was using at least three different tools to create text message campaigns, email campaigns and social media posts.  

If you are using Mailchimp, Aweber, ConvertKit, Active Campaign, Planoly, Later or Project Broadcast, then you need to check out RN Biz Hub and do everything in one place. It’s been a game changer and I save so much money using RN Biz Hub.

Sales Funnels

Create customized sales funnels to convert visitors into paying students. With RN Biz Hub, you can design and automate your sales process, from lead capture to course enrollment.

Before RN Biz Hub, I was using, WordPress, Click Funnels, Thinkific, Lead Pages, Optimize Press and Divi to build websites, sales funnels, and it was not fun, it was really expensive, and nothing talked to each other.

Membership Site

Host your course content in a secure, branded membership site. Your students can access their lessons, and engage with your community all in one place.

Before Biz Hub, I used Thinkific, Mighty Networks, Facebook, Kajabi and Kartra to try and keep my students and my communities organized.   Just like sales funnels, none of these tools talked to the other and they didn’t talk to my email system either.

Analytics and Reporting

Track your course performance with detailed analytics. Understand what’s working and what needs improvement to optimize your course and marketing strategies.

Take advantage of our FREE DEMO on the website!

RN Bizhub Free Demo

5. Create a Compelling Sales Page

Your sales page is where potential students will decide whether to enroll in your course. Make it compelling by:

  • Highlighting the benefits of your course.

  • Including testimonials or case studies from fellow nurses.

  • Showcasing a course preview or sample lesson.

In case you are wondering, yes RN Biz Hub has tons of templates to help you create a sales page for your paid or free offer!

6. Launch and Market Your Course

With RN Biz Hub’s marketing tools, you can launch and promote your course across multiple channels. Utilize email campaigns, social media posts, and track paid advertising as you reach your target audience of nurses.

7. Engage and Support Your Students

Engagement doesn’t end after the course launch. Foster a community by interacting with your students, answering questions, and providing additional resources. RN Biz Hub’s membership site makes it easy to manage and support your student community.

Check out RN Bizhub's Features and Pricing!

Biz Hub Features and Pricing

Transforming your course topic into a full-fledged online course involves several steps, from validation to engagement. By leveraging the power of RN Biz Hub, you can streamline this process, focus on creating high-quality content, and effectively market your course to reach your target audience of nurses.

Start your journey today and watch your online course succeed!

Online Course CreationNurse Course DesignOnline CourseNursing Education ToolsTopicBizhub for NursesNext Step
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